Commercial Refrigeration

Sims Refrigeration supply, install, maintain and repair all manner of commercial refrigeration equipment.

We are known as the refrigeration specialists you can ‘depend on’ because we don’t believe in cutting prices at the cost of reliability. It is our aim to offer professionally installed systems, correctly designed and maintained in accordance with the highest standards. This translates into greater longevity from your refrigeration systems and reduced energy costs when they are properly maintained thus eliminating product wastage through break down.

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Sims Refrigeration provides commercial refrigeration for the following industries:

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Service Stations

Funeral Homes


Fruit & Vegetable Growers

Cold Storage


Food Wholesalers

Commercial Property Managers



Emergency Services Stations

Convenience Outlets

Liquor Stores

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Education & Training Facilities




Aged Care Facilities

Bars & Clubs

Government Departments

Nursing Homes


Sporting Clubs

• Pharmaceutical Stores


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The range of refrigeration equipment available through Sims Refrigeration consists of:

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• Coolrooms

Skope Display Cabinets

Refrigeration Plant & Equipment

Freezer Rooms

Bromic Refrigerated Cabinets

Coolroom Shelving

Supermarket Cases

Orford Cabinet/Spare Parts

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Counter top cooking equipment

Refrigerated Display Cabinets

Coolmate / Elkay water coolers

Stainless steel benchwork

Ice Machines

Biozone Air Care Technology

Exhaust Canopies


Request a no obligation FREE QUOTE today

Call us now on 08 8370 3111 or enquire online and we will provide an expert and professional quote on your refrigeration and air conditioning requirements.

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Recent Projects

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Sims Refrigeration - 24hrs Emergency Breakdown Service

SA & NT Call 08 8370 3111 24 Hours

Sims Refrigeration Service Department offers you 24 hours emergency service break down, day or night 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

Our normal hours of business are 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday (ex public holidays). If a Service Call is lodged in normal working hours, most Service Calls will be attended to on the same day, or next within reason. If a Service Call is lodged after hours, our on-call technicians will be in contact with you to deal with any break downs quickly and effectively. Call Sims Refrigeration 24/7 SA & NT on 08 8370 3111

24/7 Breakdown Service